Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Miley Cyrus - Vanity Fair - Get Over It!

aint she pretty? (above)

Well, you know the blogs header? Now soemthing about celebritys. Miss oxelmo_chickxo made it ALL by herself! She made a video for her youtube saying how people NEED to get over the Miley Cyrus vanity fair photo shoot. What a smartie she is, becuase I don't even know how to get those damn video affects and I'm on the computer ALL the time! Not only is Mikaelas video meaning full, its also quite true. Shes just being a normal teenager. She JUST does the photos becuase she IS a teenager. I'm SURE every teenager will take innaporopriate (not nude! Ewwww!) photos of themselves and post them on their myspace pages or soemthing like that anyway. She also did a video of how homework kills brains, Not bad for a MSN-er and a Stardoll-er. Her homework kills brains movie, SADLY!, isn't meaning-full (Well, it is, Teachers are meanies XD) but its VERY VERY true.

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